Version 0.5.2

Sarah’s route is turning out to be quite a bit more elaborate than expected, and it’s slowed down this release quite a lot.

As mentioned last time, the alternate meatless route (which was barely planned out) provided some challenges, and it took a while to figure out how to solve them.

For the most part, this manifests in a series of events (about 8k words in total) that automatically trigger after the first visit: At the end of the content in 0.5.1, further visits were blocked off until the MC can find a solution to the “no dick” problem.

This is now provided by an event that triggers on Thursday after school, if the player has finished Vintovka’s little introduction and unlocked Findr®. If you already had done that before the sleepover (easily doable), you’re finished by the end of the week, and can pick up on the same weekend. If you need to unlock Vin first, you’ll be blocked until the next Thursday after that.

On that second sleepover, more story events eventually set you up for repeated content… which still isn’t in yet, there just wasn’t enough time to get that sorted out too.

The general progression from there will be fairly similar for both routes:

  • You will (eventually) be able to have fun with Sarah at school and during sleepovers
  • There, you can choose to increase Sarah’s corruption:
    • Feeding Sarah your semen or cumming inside her increases it (🍆 route)
    • Using the strap-on dildo or doing exhibitionist sex increases it (🌮 route)
  • Certain corruption thresholds trigger events during sleepovers
  • At some point I might let Sarah tag along for church, to lower corruption again
  • Ultimately, Sarah can be given the tome to end the game. Her corruption state will determine if it’s a good ending or if she joins the succubus.

Next release should probably cover some of the repeat, non-story sleepovers, to pad out that part a bit. (There’s certainly already enough to do in the toilets.)

Independent from all that I’ve also polished the achievement system (or more accurately, rewrote most of it), so that multi-part achievements are now properly understandable:

This has been been implemented for all existing multi-part achievements (which meant ripping out and rewriting several hundred lines of macros, joy), and there’s a bunch of additional achievements I have planned that got left out for 0.5.0, because they would’ve been too difficult to do in the original system. I’ll add those with future updates, along with Sarah’s content.

Mandatory Commercial Break

Subscribers and Itch buyers can find more pictures in the backer release, Holtz has done a lot of work to get the mirror images prepared. That’s easier said than done, because we will ultimately end up with a lot of small variants:

  • 12 cock variations, plus fully female variations
  • 4 clothing variations (including “nude”)
  • 4 basic body types
  • 5 cup sizes
  • 6 hair variations (lengths, styled vs. unstyled)

Thankfully, not all variations can be combined with all others, but we will still end up with something like 140 different combinations. Photoshop layer magic will make this slightly less of a nightmare than drawing all from hand would be, but this will take a while to work through.

For now, we have all possible variations for fully untransformed (fem=0) MCs, and that tallies up to 13 variants, or somewhat less than 10% of the total. More will be added as soon as the art is ready.

There will still be a subscribestar poll for what should come after that; we might mix the results of that in with the mirror variations to give Holtz a break from drawing slight variations on the same theme over and over again. I’ll try to get that up tomorrow.

However, I hope it won’t surprise anybody if I say that future image sets will be nowhere near as detailed as the mirror images are going to be. I’m quite deliberately putting all possible details in here, where it can be accessed at any time in the game, so that we can get away with less detailed art for other scenes, and save us the logistic nightmare. And no, AI isn’t nowhere near consistent enough yet to be an option.

Either way I’m grateful that both itch sales and subscribestar subscriptions are keeping up, and I hope we can get the other mirror variants done faster now that the groundwork is laid.

Please subscribe if you can, or donate, or buy the current status on itch:

If you donated more than $5 on ko-fi, let me know on Discord, I’ll give you the current subscribestar build.

Full Changelog

  • Sarah’s extended intro for 🍆-less MCs is fully wrapped up. Once you have Vin unlocked, she’ll approach you on the next Thursday to kick things off.
  • Subscribers: The mirror is now an actual mirror. As variants are finished, more and more will be displayed in there.
  • The achievement system got completely rewritten, partial achievements are now properly displayed.